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Conservation Minutes, March 26, 2013

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by John Kemmett, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   John Kemmett, Chairman
   Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman  
   John Murray, Clerk
                          David Harris, Member
                           Phil Clemons, Associate Member
Absent:                    Laurie Muncy, Conservation Agent/Town Planner
Also Present:              Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         

        Motion to approve minutes of March 12, 2013:   Frank Schellenger
        Second:  David Harris
        Vote:  4-0-0


Nathaniel Thomas Mill/rental fees
Ms. Nehiley informed the Commission that Ms. Donna Brown had recently resigned as Chair of the Mill Committee.  Ms. Sylvia Salas, who attended the meeting with Ms. Iris Moreway, said that she was willing to take over as Chairperson to handle rentals and Iris will be Co-Chair.  She also reported that there is minor cleaning to be done at the Mill and they already have one rental for April.

Motion to support Ms. Salas as Chairperson and Ms. Moreway as Co-Chair:  David Harris
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  4-0-0

        Ms. Salas wanted to note for the record that the fee is $25.00 to rent the Mill for a 24 hour time period.  She doesn’t recommend raising the fee at this time, but suggested a little more publicity for the Mill so as to increase usage.


7:15 PM  Appointment with Mr. Tracy White to discuss access to approved house lots off of Lakeside Road
        Mr. White from Casoli Sand and Gravel was inquiring about four previously approved house lots off of Lakeside Road.  A 2003 report from John Delano, who was the review engineer at the time, listed the finish work as primarily paving of the actual road.  Mr. Delano also stipulated that some cleaning had to be completed and grass planted along the edge of the roadway.  Mr. White asked if the Town had required the road to be bonded.  Mr. Kemmett said that was a Planning Board issue.
 The next question he had pertained to the old dike roads that were not maintained and are now overgrown.   Mr. White asked what would be required to go in and repair the roads to access the lots.  Mr. Schellenger asked him to define repair.  Mr. White said that he would like to bring them back to their original condition.  One of the areas, leading into Lot 2A, goes over a culvert.  It has narrowed so much that it wouldn’t be passable for a driveway.  Mr. Kemmett asked what he would do.  Mr. White answered that he would clean around it, save the material to use or bring gravel in to make the road stable.  Mr. Kemmett said we’d need a construction detail and a plan of action before the Commission would approve changes.  Mr. Schellenger said that a Request for a Minor Correction would be sufficient.  
Mr. Schellenger wanted Mr. White to know that the Town doesn’t own the Lakeside Road and that all the water from the leaching fields overflows onto the lots.  The Stormwater Management is wrapped up with the property and it needs to be cleaned up before being turned over to the Town.

Public Hearings
7:45 PM  Continued Notice of Intent for the construction of a parking lot, Stormwater drainage and a commercial building with associated septic system, driveway, utilities and grading within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at Franklin Street, Map 67, Lot 6A-18 for Steven Alexander represented by Webby Engineering Assoc., Inc.  (DEP #SE175-0630)  

Motion to continue to 4/9/13 at 7 PM per request of applicant:  Frank Schellenger
Second:  David Harris
Vote:  4-0-0


Estimate from John W. Delano & Associates, Inc. for surveying the Fisherman’s Landing  

        Motion to approve estimate and move forward with surveying the property:
David Harris
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:   4-0-0
Open Space Report

        Mr. Clemons informed the Commission that he had recently completed all eight units of Fundamental Classes through the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions.  Last Saturday, he went to the Twenty-third Annual Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference in Worcester.  It’s primarily held for Land Trusts, but others were invited as well.  Mr. Clemons attended three training workshops, one of which was on Land Trusts and property tax exemptions.  He also went to a grant funding workshop and learned about opportunities that Conservation may be eligible for and talked with people who administer and review applications for grants.
 Mr. Clemons crossed paths with members of the American Chestnut Foundation.   The American Chestnut used to be one of the most important trees in the forest up until about 100 years ago when disease wiped them out.  There is a replanting program for trees that are 94% genetically American Chestnut that are disease resistant.  He would like to look for opportunities to do some of that on our own Conservation land here in Hanson in the future.  
        In addition, we have received a Survey form from the Department of Fish and Game for the Burrage Wildlife Conservation Easement which is actually the Smith-Nawalzelski Property.  They’re reaching out to owners of properties for communication on any future activity such as trail relocation or leasing out land for agricultural purposes.
        He had an informal meeting last week with members of the Recreation Commission to help them understand what we can and cannot do with Smitty’s Bogs property.  Mr. Clemons offered to equip them with a copy of the Easement Deed from Mr. Matt Rhodes of Edgewood Bogs so that it would helpful for them to understand the conditions of the property.  In relation to that, Mr. Clemons went over to the Town Hall in Pembroke regarding the small sliver of land in Pembroke that we were sent an invoice for payment in lieu of taxes.  They understand from having read the Deed that Hanson has no desire to enter into ownership of the piece and have taken the position that Hanson has nothing to do with it.  The Pembroke Assessor’s office will put something in writing to that effect.  

Old Business/New Business

2013 MA Trails Conference/Invoice – signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8 PM:  David Harris
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  4-0-0